Back Again


Long Time No See, Old Friend.

Wow, it's been such a long time since I've been here. If you read my first post, you could see that I expected to be back here much sooner than I did. I don't have many excuses, but I've been very very busy. I guess this could be my little life update post, so here goes! Last I left off, I had recently just graduated from college in Spring 2021. Ever since then I have been working hard to practice algorithm problems and study for interviews! I have been doing lots of leetcode and reading data structures lessons. Sometimes it can be fun and sometimes (most times) it is brutal... It's been rather challenging especially because I got a new job as an iOS developer at Credera!

I've been working for Credera for 2 months now and it's been such a huge learning experience for me. Also.. so much fun! I'm working on such large scale features for a hugely popular iOS app in production. I was very anxious at first, because it was my first job after graduation but it's been incredible working with my team. With every single conversation with them, I learn something new and it excites me to be working in this evolving field. I am very happy to be a developer who has the privilege of collaborating with these great minds. I've also been leading the charge as their one of only two iOS developers, and I have been cranking out JIRA tickets like no other. I cannot wait to continue learning and getting experience in working with large scale applications.

Okay, I promise it won't be another four months till we speak again. I will try to come back and give you some more updates and perhaps even some cool coding stuff I've found!